The Memorial Hall
Stockbury Memorial Hall
Situated in the middle of the village, the memorial hall is an ideal location for any social occasion. The hall is well decorated , has a stage, a fully equipped kitchen as well as a bar area and has tables and chairs for up to 100 people. As well as the main hall, there is a separate smaller committee room available for meetings of up to 15 people.
For Stockbury parishioners, the cost for the main hall is £ 9.00 per hour for weekdays and Sundays and £150 for all day Saturday. The committee room is available for £7.50 per hour. For all non residents, the cost is available on application.
Playing Field
There is also have a large playing field which is an ideal location for visiting caravans and camper vans. It has been used by caravan clubs for many years. The cost for caravans/camper vans is 5.00 per van per night . The local pub, The Harrow, provides a warm welcome to visitors and many caravan clubs also use the hall for functions in the evening which is available at a special rate of £100.
The playing field is a large grassed area which is also available for hire at rates which can be supplied on application.
For enquiries on booking availability or information on cost of hire, call Sue Porter on 01795 843715